Foswiki Release 2.0.3
Foswiki - The Free and Open Source Wiki
Foswiki is an enterprise collaboration and information sharing tool targeted for professional use in many types of organizations: from small businesses to multi-nationals, from one-product open source groups, to worldwide research networks.
Foswiki is a wiki: fundamentally, a website with editable web pages. It looks like a normal web site but it encourages contributions, edits, updates, questions, and answers from its users. It's a powerful way of enabling a community to communicate asynchronously using intranet and public Internet websites. Foswiki is simple to learn and use. It aims to provide a transparent way for you to publish and exchange your ideas with others over the web and eliminates the one-webmaster syndrome of outdated intranet content.
Foswiki is a structured wiki with tools that enable users without programming skills to build powerful yet simple applications to process information and support workflows. Developers can extend the functionality of Foswiki with plugins.
Foswiki is backwards compatible with content generated on all previous Foswiki versions, and even content and many plugins from TWiki installations (Foswiki ships with a TWikiCompatibilityPlugin, thus enabling most extensions made for TWiki to work in Foswiki. TWiki
® is a registered trademark of Peter Thoeny.)
Foswiki is released under the GNU General Public License.
Foswiki Releases
- Foswiki 1.0.0, the first Foswiki was released on 09 Jan 2009.
- Foswiki 1.0.1, 1.0.2 and 1.0.3 were released internally in the development community, but were never publicly released.
- Foswiki 1.0.4 was built 19 Mar 2009. It is a patch release with more than 120 bug fixes relative to 1.0.0 and only very few minor enhancements.
- Foswiki 1.0.5 was built 25 Apr 2009. It is a patch release with more than 150 bug fixes relative to 1.0.0 and a few enhancements. This patch release further enhances the robustness and the security of the Foswiki software.
- Foswiki 1.0.6 was built 21 Jun 2009. It is a patch release with more than 200 bug fixes relative to 1.0.0 and some enhancements. This version introduces a major enhancement in security against Cross-Site Request Forgery. Further more a central translation framework got introduced which ease the translation process and enables all users to contribute to translations.
- Foswiki 1.0.7 was built 20 Sep 2009. It is a patch release with more than 240 bug fixes relative to 1.0.0 and some enhancements. This release fixes some serious issues introduced by the CSRF fix and the redirect cache fix in 1.0.6. Major enhancement that also fixes many annoying editor bugs is the upgrade of the Tiny MCE editor to version 3.2.2.
- Foswiki 1.0.8 was built 29 Nov 2009. It is a patch release with more than 280 bug fixes relative to 1.0.0 and some enhancements. This release fixes a short list of quite annoying old bugs incl a bug that prevented efficient use of MailerContrib for producing newsletters. The Wysiwyg editor has been upgraded with the latest Tiny MCE editor release 3.2.7.
- Foswiki 1.0.9 was built 17 Jan 2010. It is a patch release with more than 320 bug fixes relative to 1.0.0 and several enhancements. This release fixes many bugs in the Wysiwyg editor, bugs related to more advanced wiki applications and bugs in the Plugin API. It contains several bug fixes and enhancements related to security and spam fighting.
- Foswiki 1.0.10 was built 08 Sep 2010 as a patch release with more than 410 bug fixes relative to 1.0.0. It is assumed to be the last 1.0.X release.
- Foswiki 1.1.0 was built 04 Oct 2010. It is a release with more than 270 bug fixes relative to 1.0.10 and more than 680 bug fixes relative to 1.0.0. And the release adds more than 100 enhancements. Foswiki 1.1.0 introduces jQuery Javascript user interface framework, improved topic history display, new QUERY and FORMAT macros, better user interfaces for groups, much improved WYSIWYG editor, facelift of the default skin, much improved configure tool, and many more enhancements.
- Foswiki 1.1.1 was built 25 Oct 2010. It is a release that fixes some important bugs that were introduced in 1.1.0. It is highly recommended that all running 1.1.0 upgrade to 1.1.1.
- Foswiki 1.1.2 was built 09 Nov 2010. It is a release that fixes some very important bugs incl. a security related bug. Installations running 1.1.0 and 1.1.1 should be upgraded to 1.1.2
- Foswiki 1.1.3 was built 16 Apr 2011. It is a release that fixes more than 150 bugs. jQuery has been updated to 1.4.3. The default PatternSkin has some usability improvements.
- Foswiki 1.1.4 was built 20 Dec 2011. It is a release that fixes some very important including some security related issues. It contains 143 fixes and 27 enhancements. jQuery has been updated to 1.7.1.
- Foswiki 1.1.5 was built 10 Apr 2012. It is a release that fixes some very important issues including some security related issues. It contains 100 fixes and 20 enhancements.
- Foswiki 1.1.6 was built 02 Dec 2012. It is a release that fixes some important issues including some minor security related issues. It contains 94 fixes and 27 enhancements.
- Foswiki 1.1.7 was built 01 Feb 2013. It is a release that fixes CVE-2012-6329 and CVE-2012-6330. It contains 20 fixes and 4 enhancements.
- Foswiki 1.1.8 was built 28 Feb 2013. It is a release that fixes CVE-2013-1666. It contains 4 fixes.
- Foswiki 1.1.9 was built 18 Nov 2013. It is a release that contains 44 fixes and 4 enhancements..
- Foswiki 2.0.0 was built on 04 Jul 2015. It is a release that contains 312 fixes and 157 enhancements, and closes 59 Feature Requests.
- Foswiki 2.0.1 was built on 03 Aug 2015. It is a release that contains 28 fixes and 3 enhancements.
- Foswiki 2.0.2 was built on 01 Oct 2015. It is a release that contains 65 fixes and 5 enhancements.
- Foswiki 2.0.3 was built on 15 Nov 2015. It is a release that contains 17 fixes and 1 enhancement.
Pre-installed Extensions
Foswiki 2.0 is shipped with the following: (
New to Foswiki 2.0 )
- Plugins: AutoViewTemplatePlugin, CommentPlugin, ConfigurePlugin, EditRowPlugin, EmptyPlugin, HistoryPlugin, HomePagePlugin, InterwikiPlugin, JQueryPlugin, NatEditPlugin, PreferencesPlugin, PubLinkFixupPlugin, RenderListPlugin, SlideShowPlugin, SmiliesPlugin, SpreadSheetPlugin, SubscribePlugin, TablePlugin, TinyMCEPlugin, TwistyPlugin, UpdatesPlugin, WysiwygPlugin
- Contribs: CompareRevisionsAddOn, FamFamFamContrib, FastCGIEngineContrib, JEditableContrib, JSCalendarContrib, JsonRpcContrib, MailerContrib, ModPerlEngineContrib, PlainFileStoreContrib, RCSStoreContrib, TipsContrib, TopicUserMappingContrib
- Skins: PatternSkin
- Compatibility support - TWikiCompatibilityPlugin
Known issues
For up-to-date information, see
Known issues of Foswiki 2.0
Use of non-default {Store}{Encoding}
: If you intend to use high-bit characters in attachment filenames (such as umlauts and accents), then links to these
attachments on Foswiki pages
will not work on a non-utf-8 Store without modification. This is because Foswiki works internally using UNICODE, but the store saves files to disk using your chosen
{Store}{Encoding}. Running the Store with other than
encoding is considered a transitional step and not recommended for long-term operation.
strongly recommended solution is to convert your store to UTF8 at the earliest opportunity.
A partial workaround is implemented in the PubLinkFixupPlugin This Plugin will attempt to rewrite broken links. This
generally gets linked images and other attachments working.
However the TinyMCEPlugin is still unable to render image links while editing a topic.
Item13696 for up-to-date details.
A significant issue was discovered in prior versions of
. If data was
migrated from Foswiki 1.x, and the 2.0 system was configured to use the
it's possible that the WebPreferences files were reset back to the default settings, and other
topics may have been skipped. Migrated WebPreferences should be validated,
especially access control settings.
Important changes in 2.0.3
Foswiki 2.0.3 contains some important security related change to avoid certain XSS posibilites.
SpreadSheetPlugin changes
The CALC and CALCULATE macros now encode
as entities, which
prevents some paths used to insert script tags. If your user's topics require
CALC or CALCULATE to generate HTML, then you must enable the following
This setting can be set in the topic, web, user or site perferences.
Foswiki 2.0.3 includes several performance improvements. Note however that the
best performance will be achiveved by using Perl 5.20 or newer. There are
kknow performance issues using regular expressions against UNICODE strings in
perl 5.18.x and older.
Important changes in 2.0.2
API Change in Foswiki::Func
Attention plugin authors: The default behaviour of
has been reverted to Foswiki 1.x behavior. Data is written and read as raw bytes. utf-8 encoding is not applied.
A new optional flag can be set which will tell the API to add the utf-8 encoding layer. See
Foswiki::Func file handling documentation for more details.
A major performance issue was discovered and resolved. Some query searches can see as much as a 350% improvement in performance.
EditTablePlugin has been restored as an optional extension
Foswiki now includes both the EditRowPlugin and the older EditTablePlugin. New sites will
automatically get the new EditRowPlugin. Sites who prefer the older extension can enable the EditTablePlugin and disable the EditRowPlugin.
Caution: Both extensions should not be enabled at the same time. Note that the EditTablePlugin is deprecated and receives minimal maintenance.
New configuration wizard
This patch release adds a new Configuration wizard. If an extension is installed from outside of the configure tool, you must run this wizard in
order to merge in any
changes and save the default values for new configuration settings. Run the wizard using
and include
option to save any required changes.
$ tools/configure -wizard Plugins
WARNING: The Config.spec for CommentPlugin is more recent than the latest configuration. 'save of extension settings' is required.
WARNING: Configuration changes are required.
WARNING: If you did not include the -save option, you should rerun this wizard, specifying -save.
You can also now check the configuration from the CLI
$ tools/configure -check
Checking:Extensions -> Extension operation and maintenance -> Install, Update or Remove extensions: {ExtensionsRepositories}
WARNING: The Config.spec for CommentPlugin is more recent than the latest configuration.
WARNING: You should run 'tools/configure -wizard Plugins -save'.
Checking:Extensions -> PlainFileStoreContrib: {Extensions}{PlainFileStoreContrib}{CheckForRCS}
WARNING: This setting can be disabled for slightly improved performance once you can ensure that no RCS history exists within your Store.
Important changes in 2.0.1
Foswiki 2.0.1 has changed how the
files are stored.
This is needed to better accommodate user names with international
characters. If old files exist and users still have a matching session cookie,
then their access attempts will fail with a 500 internal server error.
ACTION REQUIRED: After applying the changes in
Foswiki 2.0.1,
you must delete all cgisess_*
files from the working/tmp
If you are unable to access the server to do this, users will have to clear
their cookies to gain access to Foswiki.
This change addresses
Changes in requirements
- JavaScript is now required for most operations other than simple page views.
- Foswiki no longer bundles CPAN modules. See SystemRequirements for details on prerequisite modules. Check dependencies by running
perl tools/dependencies
- Perl 5.8.8 is the minimum perl version. The newer the better. There are know issues with international characters and Perl 5.16.x See Item13424. For international character set support, Perl 5.18+ is recommended.
API Change
The Foswiki API version is incremented to version 2.3 in Foswiki 2.0.0 for the following changes:
- A new
can be registered by Extensions to process incoming regisrations.
- The old
has been deprecated and will be removed from a future release.
Deprecation and removals
Setting HIDE_NON_WIKI_WORD_WARNINGS has been removed
This setting was used to hide the checkbox for controlling whether or not non-WikiWord topic names are permitted. The checkbox is now always visible.
The recommended replacement is to use a SKIN setting to override foswiki.tmpl.
Space delimited square bracket links have been removed.
The long-deprecated
[[ Spaced title]]
link format has been removed. Links must be written as
format if a title is desired.
Deprecated AllowInlineScript
configuration setting removed
setting has been removed. Inline scripts are always allowed.
Extensions like the
SafeWikiPlugin can be optionally used to control JavaScript within topics.
Deprecation of empty DENY rules
The intention to deprecate the use of an empty
rule to act as an "ALLOW all" has been completed. This has been a
pending change predating Foswiki 1.0.0.
ACTION REQUIRED Any topics in the system that allow access by supplying an empty DENYTOPIC
rule need to be updated. A utility has been provided to find and convert existing empty DENY rules to the new ALLOW format.
You can choose to defer this action by enabling
in the
Security and Authentication
section under the
Access control tab.
With release 2.0 of Foswiki, a new ACL rule, the asterisk, is used as a
wildcard to match
any user, including the guest user, WikiGuest. Prior to
Foswiki 2.0, a topic could be made accessible to everyone by coding
an empty
rule. This rule is no longer active by
A conversion tool is available in the tools directory.
It can perform the following actions:
- Convert empty
rules to the corresponding ALLOWTOPIC<action>
- Optionally convert inline ACLs into META settings. This is recommended for Foswiki 2.0
- Optionally convert all inline settings into META settings.
For additional information run
perl tools/ -help
Removal of PasswordManager Foswiki::Users::ApacheHtpasswdUser
This password manager was included primarily as demonstration code and was not
fully functional. The default
better functionality and it works. The modules are compatible and no changes
are needed. The decision was made to completely remove this module because
it was no longer compatible with the new Foswiki utf-8 & unicode support.
Deprecation of jQuery plugins
A number of jQuery plugins have been deprecated and should be disabled in the configuration. Recommended replacements:
- jquery.corner, direct use of CSS recommended.
- jquery.gradient, direct use of CSS recommended.
- jquery.rating replaced by jquery.stars
- jquery.shake, is now part of jQuery-ui
- jquery.simplemodal, replaced by ui::dialog, the jQuery ui-dialog widget.
- jquery.supersubs, superseded by jQuery.superfish
- jquery.tmpl, replaced with jsrender
- jquery.tooltip, replaced with the tooltip component of jQuery-ui
Deprecation of EDITBOXSTYLE and EDITBOXWIDTH settings
These settings are not used with the new NatEditPlugin editor.
With the old wikitext editor, these settings are used only until the user
drags the corner of the edit window. Once the window size has been changed
with a drag event, the settings are remembered in a cookie and the
preference settings are ignored.
These Meta APIs will be removed in Foswiki 2.0.
They are retained for compatibility only, should not be used in new code,
and should be replaced in existing code.
- for
, use Foswiki::Serialise::serialise($meta, 'Embedded')
- for
, use Foswiki::Serialise::deserialise($text, 'Embedded', $meta)
The EditTablePlugin has been deprecated and removed from the release
The EditTablePlugin has been replaced by the EditRowPlugin. If installed, the EditTablePlugin should be disabled in the configuration.
The old EditTablePlugin is still available for installation from, but is not being
The EditRowPlugin has significant advantages over the old EditTablePlugin.
Most features of the EditTablePlugin are supported, with the exception of the
parameter, and plugin preferences.
The EditRowPlugin also enhances features previously provided by
the TablePlugin. The EditRowPlugin adds client side JavaScript based sorting of tables, which has significant performance advantages.
(Client-side sorting is provided only for tables on pages with an active %EDIT
table or row macro. The
JQTablePlugin is able to
completely eliminate server side table sorting.)
The TablePlugin and EditRowPlugin can be used together, with one exception.
A table statement with the initsort parameter e.g.
%TABLE{ initsort="... " ]%
will cause confusion as the table will be resorted every time a row is opened for
edit, as well as when the whole table is opened for edit.
The SpreadSheetPlugin $BITXOR(string)
has been remove.
function in SpreadSheetPlugin is not compatible with the
implementation of utf-8 and unicode. It opereates at the "byte" level
assuming that each character is represented by a single byte. With utf-8 and
unicode, characters can be represented by 1, 2, or 3 or more bytes. The
concept of obfuscating string data by flipping the bits is not compatible.
is treated as
and returns zero.
Important changes in Foswiki 2.0
Installation process has changed significantly!
You should not visit 'bin/configure' as your first access. After extracting
the Foswiki code and preparing your web server:
- Visit your desired default URL. If using Short URLs, use the short form:
, ...
- Follow the link in the banner of that initial page to access configure.
- After saving the configuration, return to your wiki pages, register your initial user and add them to the AdminGroup.
Improvements in International Character Set support
Foswiki 2.0 has improved support for
based character sets. Topics and data forms can use utf-8 characters. They will be properly rendered and
preserved during edit. The Foswiki core has been fully converted to utf-8 and unicode. All encoding / decoding is done "at the edge", when reading from
/ writing to the Foswiki store.
- New sites will use utf-8 by default. Internationalizaiton should just work.
- Sites migrating data from a previous installation have two choices:
- Set
{Store}{Encoding} to match the previous ={Site}{CharSet}
. (Default was iso-8859-1
- Migrate the data to utf-8 by using the
script. This is the recommended solution.
- Support for Locales is still known to have issues.
should not be enabled in the configuration.
ACTION REQUIRED If you are upgrading an existing system, you
should review the existing data and determine if migration to utf-8 should be performed.
See the
UpgradeGuide for more details. Note that the topic and
attachment name filters no longer filter international characters, so migration to utf-8 is
strongly recommended.
Due to the extensive internal changes, extensions may require changes for
compatibility with this release.
Perl libraries and paths
Foswiki no longer ships Perl CPAN libraries for use as a last resort. If it is not possible or convenient to install perl libraries, then
install the
CpanContrib to get pre-built libraries for Foswiki to use.
The setup of the perl
path has been simplified, and the
setting for
has been completely eliminated. A simple method of
adding libraries to the top of the @INC path is provided in the new example
shipped with foswiki.
ACTION REQUIRED If you are upgrading an existing system and
have created a custom
, you should tailor a new
copy using the updated
(Note that on most systems,
is not required.)
Authentication, Authorization and Security
Users now have the option to authenticate via 'TemplateLogin' using their email address. This feature is optional, and is enabled in the
Security and Authentication section,
Login tab of configure. Enable
. If more than one user shares an email address, the user with the matching password will be selected during login.
REST Script default security has changed:
Foswiki 2.0 has removed the
script from the list of
. Instead of providing blanket
security for
, each handler is now responsible to set its individual requirements for 3 options:
validation and
http_allowed methods (POST vs. GET). The defaults for these
3 options have been changed to default to be secure, and handlers can exempt these checks based upon their specific requirements.
A new configuration option has been added to the
Security and Authentication section,
Login tab:
. Enable this setting to restore the old insecure
defaults for REST handlers. If enabled, and
is not listed in
, a warning will be displayed.
New Pluggable Access Control implementations.
Foswiki has made the Access Control implementation "Pluggable". New ACL
methods may be more easily implemented in the future. The default method is
$Foswiki::cfg{AccessControl} = 'Foswiki::Access::TopicACLAccess';
Two additional methods are now included which may be of help to the
- When selected, all requests for access are denied except when requested by users in the AdminGroup.
- The topic ACLs are applied as usual, but any access other than VIEW access is denied, except for users in the AdminGroup
Caution: These controls are enforced at
the ACL Level. Extensions have the ability to ignore access controls. If an
extension fails to check for access permission, then these new methods will
not block access.
Session ID Security improvements.
In Foswiki 2.0, sessions ID's will be changed whenever the user identity changes. This improves the resistance to certain session hijack attacks.
This is not believed to have any negative impact, however there is a race condition if the user uses multiple browser tabs, and authenticates in one
tab while the other tabs are interacting with the server (for ex. a long running attachment upload in one tab, followed by a
internal admin login in another tab.
The session ID in use for the upload will be deleted because of the
internal admin login and results are unpredictable.
This change is important for security purposes and cannot be disabled.
Sessions and Roaming or Mobile Users
In Foswiki 2.0,
has been enabled by default. This change can improve security by
reducing the exposure to certain session hijack attacks. However it can be disruptive to mobile users. It is also of limited use when
users access the wiki through a proxy or other devices that might cause multiple users to share the same IP address.
code will compare the current user's IP Address to the address that was used when the session was initially created.
If the IP address has changed, then the session is invalidated and the user is required to re-authenticate.
There is further information about this option in the
configure Security And Authentication
tab interface.
ACTION REQUIRED If you have roaming users who need to keep their Foswiki Sessions across IP Address changes, then
you need to disable the
option in your configuration.
Optional Sessions for Guest users
EXPERIMENTAL feature: In zitiWiki version 2.0, sessions can be suppressed for guest users. This is believed safe if guests have no ability to update.
However if guests are permitted to update, for example by using the CommentPlugin, or if any wiki applications make use Session Variables, then guest sessions should be enabled. See the
configure Security and Authentication
tab interface for more information.
set to utf-8, you must not use CGI versions 4.11-4.13.
With those CGI releases, topic and form data can be corrupted during save. CGI version 4.14 released 1 April 2015 is recommended.
Also note that with CGI 4.14, there have been come internal changes that might impact non-default or locally written extensions. If you have locally written
extensions and use the
HTML generation functions, you should review the
CGI Release Notes.
Foswiki is now able to run without a configuration (LocalSite.cfg ) After initial installation, just point your browser at the default URL for Foswiki. Foswiki will "bootstrap" itself and provide a link to configure to establish the initial configuration. |
- Configure is now a conventional "Foswiki Engine" based script. This means that to use configure you must either:
- be running in bootstrap mode, or
- be logged in to Foswiki and be in the admin group, or have appropriate permissions granted.
- Configure now requires JavaScript.
- Configuration parameters are checked and saved through AJAX.
- Performance
- Configure only transmits changed settings, greatly reducing the required bandwidth and improving performance.
- Configure requires that the user has logged in to Foswiki and either be in the AdminGroup, or be identified as an authorized configure user.
- The "admin" superuser password is now optional:
- If not set, configure depends solely upon the session authentication
- By not setting, or by clearing the admin password, sites can disable the internal admin login, eliminating sharing of admin passwords, which is considered poor security practice.
- Configure can be restricted to individual users in or out of the AdminGroup.
- If
is NOT configured, then the current user must be in the AdminGroup in order to view or save the configuration.
- If
user list is configured, then the current user must be in the list to be allowed access to configure, regardless of whether or not they are in the AdminGroup.
The Configure access restrictions are also applied to control potentially sensitive
information, such as the new information topics:
- System.PerlDependencyReport
- System.FoswikiServerInformation
Configure can now be run from the command line using the
script. It can be run interactively using
tools/configure -save
and will prompt for the required minimum configuration options. It can also be run without prompting. Here is an example of a complete Foswiki configuration from the shell, configured for short URLs:
tools/configure -save -noprompt
tools/configure -save -set {Password}='mypassword' -set {DefaultUrlHost}='' -set {PubUrlPath}='/pub' -set {ScriptUrlPath}='/bin' -set {ScriptUrlPaths}{view}='' -set {FeatureAccess}{Configure}='JoeUser, FredAdmin' -set {WebMasterEmail}='
If any of your variables contain international characters, you need to run configure with the perl -CA option.
perl -CA tools/configure -save set ...
Full help on the available options can be viewed using
tools/configure --help
CLI Extensions installer
The command line Extensions installer has been rewritten to use the
script. This version will automatically enable new
extensions and save the configuration. If you want to install an extension without enabling it, include the --noenable switch.
tools/extensions_installer usage
for more information.
Query Search
The undocumented shortcut notation to reference to a form name is no longer available. Previously you could write:
Because this could lead to indeterminate behaviour, the syntax is now more controlled. You now have to refer to the form name:
Major change to ICON macro and templates
HtmlAttributesShouldUseSingleQuotes has changed the ICON
macro to generate singe quotes by default. This has no impact unless the
%ICON macro is being expanded inside a single-quote delimited macro.
In order to simplify migration, a new
parameter has been added to the
ICON macro.
%ICON{"pdf" quote="\""}%
generates the html using double
quotes delimiters. See System.VarICON for more details.
Major changes to the Foswiki Store subsystem.
The Foswiki Store has been restructured into separate pluggable store implementations. Foswiki 2.0 ships with two store backends:
- RCSStoreContrib: This implements the RCSWrap and RCSLite "Revision Control System" based stores, compatible with prior versions of Foswiki and TWiki.
- PlainFileStoreContrib: A new plain file store that saves topic and attachment as time-stamped copies instead of the "diff" based RCS store. This implementation can use more disk space but is expected to be much higher performing than the RCS store. Existing topics can be migrated to the new store. Store formats may not be mixed. One store must be selected.
The utility to migrate between stores is
. Be sure to backup everything before running the conversion. For information on how to run the tool, run:
cd foswiki/tools
perl -I ../lib --help
Caution: There are known limitations to
. See the
Upgrade Guide for details. Hidden files
(filenames with underscore (_) or dot (.) prefix) will not be copied.
If your installation contains these types of files, then
not be used!
New "Natural Editor", NatEditPlugin replaces the old WikiText editor
The NatEditPlugin, a component of the optional NatSkin, is now the default
WikiText editor. It is enabled with the new default skin setting:
- #Set SKIN = natedit,pattern
The NatEditPlugin is a Topic Markup Language (TML) editor, and provides a GUI
"assist" to the user to aid in learning and using TML. This editor relies
heavily on JavaScript and jQuery. Users that must edit without the use of
JavaScript can override the SKIN setting and remove natedit.
Translation Status
As of this release,
- Czech, Danish, French, German and Italian are >99% complete.
- Dutch, Norwegian, and Portuguese (Brazil) are 70-88% complete.
- Other languages are 60% complete or lower.
- A new translation has been added: Klingon, 94% translated.
For more details on translation status, see
TranslationTeam and
Foswiki's Weblate translation server.
Foswiki thanks the Translators for their efforts. If you are interesting in helping with the translation, please contact
Foswiki Release 2.0 Details
New Features
(This list was updated with more complete information in Release 2.0.2)
Item438 |
replace horrid UTF8 regex's and replace with Encode. |
Item625 |
Uploaded filename stripped if special character. |
Item658 |
Localize SlideShowPlugin graphics. |
Item759 |
Search was compromised in UTF-8 environment. |
Item801 |
Configure needs to more reliably set the grep & rcs program path, and handle configuration issues. |
Item882 |
Foswiki::Render::makeTopicSummary breaks UTF-8. |
Item1115 |
Numbered lists behave different for numbers and characters. Document as a restriction. |
Item1330 |
Wikiwords with Umlauts arent detected. |
Item1664 |
Oops not generated on non existent topic. |
Item2257 |
Remove unnecessary fields from System.BulkResetPassword. |
Item2292 |
System topics authored by WikiGuest instead of ProjectContributor. |
Item2450 |
Unable to subscribe to Web/SubWeb.*. |
Item2595 | fails if plugins are misbehaving. |
Item2638 |
Edit/Attach keyboard shortcuts not working in Firefox. |
Item3679 |
User with I18N UserName and latin LoginName can not get his password. |
Item4077 |
Invalid quoted-printable encoding in mail subject lines. |
Item4419 |
I18N: Non latin characters in field names break forms. |
Item5103 |
TMCE replaces non-breaking space with normal space. |
Item5133 |
Can't save multibyte char names. |
Item5437 |
UTF-8 fixes for Foswiki 2.0 (was Foswiki 1.1 but deferred, was Foswiki 1.0 but deferred, was T4.2 but deferred). |
Item5566 |
WikiWords do not work in UTF-8. |
Item5661 |
If form have cyrillic chars in name column can not save data for this row. |
Item5897 |
If COMMENT specifies target and target is missing, content disappears. |
Item6025 |
Twiki encode topic twice to UTF8 for mailresetpassword.tmpl and changeform.tmpl. |
Item8095 |
Any topic with Subscribe tag fails to load if there is a problem with WebNotify topic. |
Item8232 |
Macros within ACTIONSEARCH not possible due to SpreadSheetPlugin processing order. |
Item8237 |
Comma, newline and parenthesis supported using new tripple-quote syntax. |
Item8414 |
Iso-latin-1 characters in users' wikinames break. |
Item8417 |
When using CALC in search, CALC in format will not be executed. |
Item8520 |
Localization; bad charset definitions for non english pages (in header and meta). |
Item8948 |
If a restHandler throws an Error::Simple, we still return 200. |
Item9290 |
Excludetopic in SEARH does not exclude a topic with non A-ZA-z0-9 in it. |
Item9448 |
Japanese Characters Used as Data FormField names get garbled. |
Item9452 |
Remove the VIEW_TEMPLATE setting from NewUserTemplate, and let AutoViewPlugin handle it. |
Item9568 |
CommentPlugin::commonTagsHandler has wrong signature |
Item9601 |
CommentPlugin forces uprev each time you save |
Item9725 |
Release more modern SlideShowPlugin in 2.0 |
Item9734 |
CALC's expansion behaviour should be more consistent with other macros when no table cells are addressed |
Item9741 |
CommentPlugin not honoring the "redirectto" parameter. Doesn't redirect after saving a comment. |
Item9752 |
Document Foswiki page cache options. |
Item9764 |
1.1. configure page doesn't work in older and even newer Konqueror browsers |
Item9814 |
Default SEARCH result order includes an implicit sort on the web= parameter |
Item9855 |
Debug log written to bin or not written at all if DebugFileName not set |
Item9879 |
configure needs to fit on 1024 pixel wide screen without horizontal scrolling |
Item9889 |
viewfile script fails for attachments on topics with names containing special characters |
Item9946 |
Topic was merged information links to diff between same revision. |
Item9955 |
Problem in UserRegistration with generating a WikiName from FirstName and LastName when they include umlaute. |
Item10003 |
Improve access control checking in "More topic actions" panel. |
Item10107 |
WYSIWYG editor protects macros inside tags by inserting spans, which then breaks the enclosing tag. |
Item10111 |
When creating a new web, pub is not copied from the template web. |
Item10182 |
IE8 related error in jquery.superfish example. |
Item10230 |
Non-ASCII chars in HTML tag attributes incorrectly de-encoded (need to stay URI-escaped). |
Item10240 |
Extension installer fails from shell if $Foswiki::cfg{ScriptDir} contains $Foswiki::cfg variables. |
Item10242 |
Exclamation mark does not work the same as the HTML nop when parenthesis are involved. |
Item10252 |
Warn users they cannot register if either javascript or cookies are unavailable. |
Item10264 |
Change template-js-css logic from foswikiJs to foswikiNoJs. |
Item10287 |
Meta should only store registered element names without a leading underscore (_). |
Item10399 |
Tolerate malformed regex in QUERY and SEARCH match operator gracefully. |
Item10474 |
Foswiki::Func inline examples are not valid examples usable with copy/paste. |
Item10475 |
Foswiki::Func::readAttachment( $web, $topic, undef ); returns the topic text. |
Item10510 |
WikiGroups suggests you can only add 1 member at a time |
Item10538 |
Add missing logo foswiki-poweredby.gif for better compatilbility with older releases. |
Item10609 |
User registration javascript broken when jQuery in noconflict mode. |
Item10635 |
Wrong international character display. |
Item10694 |
Complex regular subexpression recursion limit (32766) exceeded in |
Item10717 |
Improved bin script code that finds the executable script on the path. |
Item10764 |
PlainFile logger needs to open files in proper encoding to avoid "Wide character in print". |
Item10825 |
Using save in a rest call destroys character encoding. |
Item10890 |
Template parser makes it impossible to override some .tmpl templates with TopicTemplates. |
Item10907 |
Whitespace effecting delayed CALC in search results unexpectedly. |
Item10933 |
MAKETEXT silently returns incorrect strings when running from the cmdline. |
Item10949 |
INCLUDE macro does not honor NOAUTOLINK setting when expanding included topic. |
Item10967 |
Documentation topic for DefaultPreference . |
Item10995 |
Wysiwyg destroys umlaute in text. |
Item11003 |
Spreadsheet TIME* functions do not work properly with dates before 1970. |
Item11015 |
Need better docs, and examples of %SUBSCRIBE format option. |
Item11050 |
System.SiteChanges crashes when accessing the 2nd page. |
Item11056 |
Do not insert into empty attachment comments. |
Item11085 |
Uninstalling an extension keeps enabled state, resulting in error on configure screen. |
Item11092 |
in attachment size makes it impossible to use inside MAKETEXT. |
Item11159 |
RcsLite doesn't handle missing revs. |
Item11186 |
Improve operation of {Site}{CharSet} and {UseLocale}. Better international character support. |
Item11206 |
SlideshowPlugin does not work on fastcgi/modperl; does not initialize the slides correctly. |
Item11308 |
Foswiki time functions can't parse dates earlier than 1970. |
Item11326 |
SubscribePlugin is extremely slow with large complex WebNotify topics. |
Item11336 |
WebAtom should support the same URLPARAM's as WebRss. |
Item11353 |
HTML commented out heading shows in TOC. |
Item11417 |
CommentPlugin does not work with default text set. |
Item11454 |
RcsLite performance is bad on topics with long histories. |
Item11465 |
Install and Update Extensions table is set too wide. |
Item11476 |
Improve RcsLite worst-case performance. |
Item11482 |
Links with spaces not listed in backlinks. |
Item11595 |
SubscribePlugin updates without using Strikeone. |
Item11641 |
Instant enhancements says goto patternskin customisations for instructions on customising a left bar. |
Item11671 |
Improve SPACEOUT with consecutive Capitals and Number/Letter combinations. |
Item11693 |
configure lets you install an extension before you set admin pwd, then fails. |
Item11705 |
Bulk registration crashes with uninitialized variable if Password column provided, and other failures. |
Item11729 |
Issues with WikiGroups topic loading on sites with many groups. |
Item11735 |
Missing dependency does not create error in configure. |
Item11736 |
Block rename of the System or Users web. |
Item11737 |
Direct references to Main, Sandbox and System have crept into the default webs. |
Item11738 |
PatternSkinElements has references to TWikiAjaxContrib. |
Item11766 |
Templatetopics seems to go awry when there is another nested SECTION. |
Item11820 |
In some cases the Extension installation fails and the screen is remains blank without feedback. |
Item11833 |
FORMFIELD does not render a field using renderForDisplay whereas SEARCH does. |
Item11835 |
Assume that grep, fgrep are found on the search path, don't hardcode location in LocalSite.cfg. |
Item11866 |
HompagePagePlugin redirects to malformed targets. |
Item11907 |
Use of uninitialized value in regexp compilation. |
Item11908 |
Foswiki::Form doesn't cope with undefined values very well. |
Item11953 |
{Site}{Locale} and tainted mode can't be used together. Ship with taint checking disabled. |
Item11960 |
CLI scrips ignore the topic param due to HomePagePlugin bug. |
Item11966 |
Add a Default column to DataForms, specify default value for fields. |
Item11983 |
Prevent excessive calls into the revision system. |
Item12001 |
Configure installs extension multiple times. |
Item12027 |
Statistics/logfile iterator: not respecting SiteCharset. |
Item12050 |
UNC Links are corrupted by render when they contain embedded spaces. |
Item12070 |
Too many calls to renderTML. |
Item12093 |
Ship foswiki using the new logo. |
Item12097 |
NatEdit in foswiki trunk allows a user to see and edit the AUTOINC topic name - can we conditionally hide that? |
Item12103 |
Simplify CSS, remove foswikiRequiresChangePermission span, add it to a class on the link. |
Item12122 |
The UserRegistration form is not disabled when user registration is disabled. |
Item12144 |
colors.css takes out background image of hovered links. |
Item12148 |
EditRowPlugin improvements. |
Item12162 |
Disable the reset password form when email is disabled. |
Item12177 |
MacroToListInstalledFormFieldTypes feature. |
Item12181 |
Update TMCE to 3.5.11. |
Item12200 |
Item12202 |
DST shift marks old RSS feed items as new / value of isotz must be date dependant. |
Item12203 |
Help tab shows raw editing help. |
Item12239 |
Dependencies missing from "Perl modules used by Foswiki", in configure screen. |
Item12246 |
Documentation for System.PageCaching is out of date. |
Item12261 |
Add developer section to System.PageCaching : rest requests, URL attributes to suppress caching. |
Item12287 |
Configure dies on buggy extensions with UserInterfaceInternationalisation enabled. |
Item12316 |
redirectdenied template assumes redirect was due to rename. Message is too specific. |
Item12319 |
ASSERTs not eliminated by optimization. |
Item12322 |
WysiwygPlugin should remove useless spans etc. |
Item12326 |
ICON macro breaks rendering due to change to single quotes. Enhance ICON macro to allow quote type to be specified. |
Item12341 |
WysiwygPlugin identifies spans inside protected macros with TMLhtml, but fails to remove the class during save. |
Item12342 |
bin/compare is not generating visible differences on trunk using interleave format. |
Item12359 |
Func::eachEventSince can leak file descriptors. |
Item12361 |
Default loggers eachEventSince should return records containing newlines as a single record. |
Item12372 |
Configure "Initial configuration" issues on trunk. |
Item12381 |
Configure UI and help text review. |
Item12384 |
Logger issues causes statistics crash. |
Item12402 |
UpdatesPlugin incorrectly reporting updates needed on pseudo-installed system. |
Item12407 |
bin/compare script deescapes character entities. |
Item12411 |
bin/rest validates the request even if validation disabled in core. |
Item12438 |
Trunk statistics script only processes the Main web by default. |
Item12447 |
Handle international topic names. |
Item12450 |
Remove old project reference in installation instructions. |
Item12472 |
$loadedRev undefined in VC::Store for RcsLite. |
Item12475 |
Move lib/CPAN/lib modules to a separate CpanContrib. |
Item12477 |
Spurious entries being added to .changes. |
Item12513 |
Can't change alignment of table headers. |
Item12541 |
CALC macro doesn't support mulit-line function calls. |
Item12544 |
META:TOPICPARENT parsing overly picky. |
Item12581 |
tools/ erroneously lowercases names on Mac OS X. |
Item12582 |
Clarify linking to subwebs and topics of same name. |
Item12591 |
VIEW_TEMPLATE needs fully qualified topic name. |
Item12612 |
VarQUERYPARAMS does not appear to render multiple-value params. |
Item12618 |
Search ordering is not predictable on Perl 5.18.1 and later. |
Item12650 |
Improve configure's handling of deprecated and removed JQuery plugins. |
Item12659 |
NAMEFILTER setting in jQuery.extend causes invalid XHTML. |
Item12675 |
normalizeWebTopicName taints its result if UseLocale=1. |
Item12685 |
Use jquery means to initiate the editor properly. |
Item12688 |
HTML error generating inline alerts loading unknown jquery modules. |
Item12689 |
Modernize click semantics of the jquery.buttons module. |
Item12690 |
jquery.wikiword module is missing a dependency on jquery.metadata. |
Item12691 |
Upgrade slimbox lightshow with upstream version. |
Item12695 |
strikeone.js not loaded in correct order sometimes. |
Item12700 |
HTML2TML crashes if square brackets inserted into a link. |
Item12705 |
Verbatim blocks are corrupted on save by Wysiwyg editor if $Foswiki::cfg{Site}{Locale} = 'utf-8';. |
Item12712 |
Foswiki loggers should obtain file lock before writing. |
Item12719 |
Exiting subroutine via next in ListFieldDefinition. |
Item12734 |
Add jquery-1.11, jquery-2.1, jquery-ui.1.10.4. |
Item12741 |
Formatting parameters not passed on the referenced scripts. |
Item12747 |
Modal dialog vanishes when dragging it with the viewport being scrolled down. |
Item12753 |
WebSearch does not pass topic parameter. |
Item12776 |
Put package declaration into preamble rather inside the code. |
Item12780 |
Remove core dependency on Sort::Maker. |
Item12785 |
IE11 loses icons for Raw Text Edit Bar. |
Item12786 |
Mailnotify matches topic prefixes by default. |
Item12814 |
All tables get edit controls if one table uses the EDITTABLE macro. |
Item12816 |
WebTopicCreator on trunk has the "Allow non-wikiword" button reversed. |
Item12823 |
Mark auto-generated emails according to RFC 3834. |
Item12824 |
A Wiki-style link to an attached file, which has spaces in its filename, gets broken under WYSIWYG editing. |
Item12832 |
Unhelpful error message for app using save script. |
Item12835 |
HTTP status code not properly set under certain conditions. |
Item12839 |
REST scripts should individually assert their security requirements. |
Item12842 |
TOC links to headings containing !-escaped WikiWords or nop-escaped macros not properly filtered. |
Item12846 |
Unexpected indention for bullet copy-paste. |
Item12855 |
Audit core DEPENDENCIES. |
Item12868 |
SEARCH newline parameter does not apply to $formfield content. |
Item12871 |
Support StrikeOne validation and rest authentication. |
Item12872 |
Add StrikeOne validation. |
Item12875 |
Add controls on some debugging options. |
Item12882 |
More aggressive encoding of query parameters required. |
Item12893 |
Nested DEFAULT default Macro parameter expansion. |
Item12896 |
pub suggested htaccess file php_flag. |
Item12902 |
The JQueryAjaxHelper Query fetcher section is broken. |
Item12910 |
CLI not executed as admin when AllowLoginName enabled. |
Item12931 |
CommentPlugin on trunk Tasks web doesn't sign comments, and fails to clear entry form after post. |
Item12934 |
Configure email auto-configure can't proceed if SSL is unavailable. |
Item12935 |
The NatEditPlugin settings tab is confusing. |
Item12937 |
Foswiki issues with Perl 5.20.0. |
Item12943 |
MailerContrib notify REST handler crashes with array ref issue. |
Item12945 |
Words starting Uppercase and have an umlaut will render to garbage like looking wikiwords. |
Item12947 |
Remove the Deprecated AllowInlineScript code. |
Item12948 |
jquery.cycle renders a black background for captions in chrome. |
Item12951 |
Stopwords are treated as regex in search which can cause confusion. |
Item12952 |
Move Configure into a Contrib. |
Item12953 |
header parameter does not work when using row as fieldtype. |
Item12954 |
Table gets broken when editing via edit button and inserting a new row. |
Item12955 |
Related Topics search in System.FAQForm. |
Item12956 |
Unitialized variable crash after using back button to return to edit, and save. |
Item12958 |
HTML in a label can break the editor. |
Item12960 |
dirtyareas not removed in any case. |
Item12961 |
Firefox does not send an accept-encoding in a http-2.0 (aka spdy) connection. |
Item12963 |
I18N for datepicker not loaded. |
Item12964 |
UserMapping::isInGroup() iterates uselessly over member lists. |
Item12965 |
Cache misses can create deadlocks if there is a collision. |
Item12969 |
UI::Rest should only validate POST type requests. |
Item12987 |
Foswiki returns "detected an internal error" with code 200, not 500. |
Item12993 |
htmldoctype needs to change. |
Item12997 |
Use of uninitialized value in Assert gear. |
Item13019 |
WebTopicCreator on trunk broken "pick from list". |
Item13021 |
"use strict" is removed when minifying the code. |
Item13027 |
Regex error results in "Unspecified error" failure in Foswiki::UI . |
Item13040 |
Foswiki 2.0 issues on Nginx. |
Item13041 |
Checker for {Htpasswd}{Encoding} reports unnecessary errors. |
Item13048 |
Security issues with Windows and attachment name extensions. |
Item13058 |
statistics script can not create statistics for subwebs. |
Item13059 |
Wysiwyg corrupts wiki markup in definition list terms. |
Item13065 |
bin/jsonrpc script doesn't log events to the Foswiki event log. |
Item13075 |
Only one validation token per page makes multiple forms awkward. |
Item13082 |
Cache fetch is case insensitive in MySQL, but topic names are case sensitive. |
Item13083 |
Document the behavior that left bar contains webs regardless of NOSEARCHALL = on for Admins. |
Item13096 |
CommentPlugin generates "Invalid validation code" REST error when trying to add comment in Firefox. |
Item13099 |
PUBURL has two implementations. |
Item13105 |
Ease SEARCH apps in System web. |
Item13108 |
Trunk edit strips manually added META ACLs on the next save. |
Item13124 |
Documentation updates to support Apache 2.4. |
Item13125 |
CGI::param called in list context from package Foswiki::Engine::CGI line 222. |
Item13126 |
MailerContrib fails to generate diff correctly on view restricted webs. |
Item13133 |
Keep calls to numRevisions to a minimum. |
Item13146 |
Add a way to identify elements added to head. |
Item13164 |
Add support for gzip compression of http response. |
Item13165 |
perl warning using an experimental feature. |
Item13171 |
SITEMAPLIST does not hide webs on the SiteMap. |
Item13178 |
TinyMCEPlugin permanently expands tags in some square bracket links. |
Item13182 |
FW doesn't ignore ! within style tags. |
Item13188 |
WysiwygPlugin upload rest handler is missing - Upload fails with 404. |
Item13189 |
WYSIWYG editor breaks double-bracketed links with some macros in url section. |
Item13190 |
SiteChanges cause a high load on the server. |
Item13193 |
Deprecate jquery.gradient. |
Item13198 |
SlideShowPlugin cannot find default template. |
Item13207 |
Wiki markup not rendered the line before a table. |
Item13212 |
Process to add a filetype icon to the attachment table is not documented. |
Item13213 |
Can't save+continue multiple times / duplicate x-foswiki-nonce http header. |
Item13219 |
Deprecate jquery.corner and jquery.simplemodal . |
Item13225 |
Wysiwyg defaults to double quotes when generating HTML tags. |
Item13227 |
Bootstrap fails under mod_perl. |
Item13231 |
tools/ test script changes for Foswiki 2.0. |
Item13237 | calls Users::loadSession with tainted ENV{PATH}. |
Item13247 |
Some VarXXX topics do not consistently link to other entries in Macros. |
Item13269 |
Dependency crashes when extracting version from mod_perl. |
Item13272 |
Upgrade to latest superfish and hoverIntent. |
Item13286 |
Regular expressions encoded in a string loose their backslashes. |
Item13291 |
Wysiwyg swaps oder of query parameters and #anchor. |
Item13300 |
EditRowPlugin alters the headings formatting of tables and the way the user interacts with non-editable tables in the same topic. |
Item13301 |
Single quotes are incorrectly encoded in query params. Breaks WebSearch and other pages. |
Item13302 |
CGI-4.11, 4.12, 4.13 breaks utf8 byte strings in data forms. |
Item13303 |
Add weba, webm, and webp to mime types. |
Item13308 |
WebCreateNewTopic, defaults to create itself, has performance issues: loads parent list. |
Item13318 |
Shipped topics are missing attachment metadata, and TOPICINFO. |
Item13319 |
RCS Store AutoAttachPubFiles feature converts all attachments into autoattached files. |
Item13320 |
Backlinks fails when is an number in the topic name |
Item13327 |
Deep recursion at wrong web rename. |
Item13330 |
Web create fails to throw error when invalid (utf-8) characters are in the webname. |
Item13331 |
Wrong encoding in "View WikiText" when utf8. |
Item13335 |
Configure does not load defaults from a Plugin.spec file. |
Item13345 |
"any" pragma is deprecated in CGI-4.14. |
Item13346 |
Pattern skin default fonts are too low contrast, especially Raw view. |
Item13347 |
istopic returns TRUE for an empty string. |
Item13354 |
Statistics and WikiUsers links shown even when the topics don't exist. |
Item13355 |
Formfield titles not expanding macros. |
Item13370 |
Configure warns that working/README files are not writable, but MANIFEST has permission 0444. |
Item13375 |
Invalid content encoding using firefox http/2. |
Item13378 |
Incorrect rendering utf8 WikiWords in the Form's default text. |
Item13381 |
Deleting a topic redirects to wrong place afterwards. |
Item13385 |
Form is corrupted by escaped column separator. |
Item13386 |
{LoginManager} = 'none' applies ACL checks, locks user out of configure, and faults if bin/login accessed. |
Item13388 |
The %QUERY{...}% regex searches - fails on utf8 texts. |
Item13390 |
WysiwygPlugin inserts extra space into escaped square bracket links. |
Item13391 |
CLI extension installer fails with Can't call method "addChild" on an undefined value . |
Item13393 |
Simplify implementation not having to use JSON and HTML::encode_entities on the serverside. |
Item13397 |
Foswiki::Serialise::Json uses JSON::Any, which generates UNICODE. |
Item13398 |
Lighttpd doesn't detect perlbrew perl, or the system PATH. |
Item13400 |
Logout fails to consider {ForceDefaultUrlHost} when redirecting after logout. |
Item13404 |
HtPasswd AuthRealm changed for all users when one user is updated. |
Item13409 |
Table sort by date is incorrect in Testcases/TestCaseUtf8Errors. |
Item13415 |
'onlywikiname' and 'nonwikiword' inconsistency. |
Item13419 |
Broken EDITTABLE (EditRowPlugin 3.31, FW 1.1.9) in some cases. |
Item13422 |
Opening "More topic actions" is obscenely slow. |
Item13423 |
Perl 5.22 deprecates unescaped left brace in Regular Expressions. |
Item13427 |
Remove ApacheHtpasswdUser from Foswiki 2.0. |
Item13431 |
Eliminate the auto redirect from the change language template. |
Item13440 |
Deprecate BITXOR(string) spreadsheet function. Document that it does not work due to utf-8 changes. |
Item13449 |
Some tarfiles fail to expand due to ././@LongLink triggers. |
Item13460 |
JQICON FontAwesome icons are not working. |
Item13463 |
TOC is not respecting ho tags inserted by INCLUDE. |
Item13474 |
CommentPlugin fails with Wide character print error for utf-8 comments. |
Item13478 |
Multiple issues with viewfile and utf-8 topics and attachments. |
Item184 |
Plugins don't report dependancies (or missing ones) in configure. |
Item810 |
SpreadSheetPlugin doesn't allow breaking formulea over multiple lines. |
Item1764 |
Access denied does not tell you who you are or allow you to login as someone else. |
Item2206 |
Might be nice to have a JS based filter on the configure extensions list. |
Item2207 |
Would be nice if configure gave a little info wrt dependencies for things. |
Item2250 |
After enabling or installing a plugin/contrib, add a link to the installedplugins topic. |
Item2258 |
SubscribePlugin should offer appropriate templates. |
Item2466 |
Improve $token handling in core macros: support standard escapes. |
Item2516 |
Add new TML syntax to support indented paragraphs. |
Item4021 |
Add a configure checker that tests the install. |
Item5935 | enhancement: add time processing to code. |
Item8430 |
registerRESTHandler default authenticate option is insecure. |
Item8796 |
Implement MakeUserRegistrationAsLeanAsPossible. |
Item9225 |
Improve URL parsing, and detection of SubWeb vs. Topic name in path. |
Item9334 |
Configure more extensions has no visual cue for what repository a row comes from. |
Item9591 |
Eliminate use of commonTagsHandler in CommentPlugin. |
Item9592 |
Add JQuery/AJAX example to the CommentPlugin. |
Item9697 |
Enhance i18n infrastructure to support translation of extensions. |
Item9698 |
Re-organise the info cache slightly to abstract the result set iterator from the implementation. |
Item9715 |
Enable dynamic subclassing of the selected Store (expert feature for 2.0). |
Item9816 |
Add support for Simulate, and No Dependencies options to configure Extensions Installer UI. |
Item9856 |
Configure host match warning can suggest a fix. |
Item9935 |
Detect and resolve umask issues in Foswiki core. |
Item10009 |
Deprecate get/setEmbeddedStoreForm, to make space for generic serialisers / non-embedded stores. |
Item10129 |
Add @ operator to QUERY, support query across topic revisions. |
Item10191 |
CommentPlugin REST handlers rewritten to use a JQuery REST implementation. |
Item10203 |
Add inline form validation to registration form. |
Item10221 |
Update attachment counter to use with QUERY macro rather than javascript counter. |
Item10260 |
Make registration page easier to understand and change. |
Item10294 |
FORMFIELD clumsy rendering multi-line content, missing $formfield() 's linebreak features from SEARCH. |
Item10325 |
Document the new INT query operator; Returns integer portion of a value. |
Item10344 |
Cache parsed / loaded topics in the MetaCache. Only load from disk and parse the topic format once per session. |
Item10376 |
Implement Feature: Development.TopicAddressing. Adds new Foswiki::Address class. |
Item10453 |
Improve performance of the Foswiki Page Cache. |
Item10461 |
SEARCH Speedup: ACL checks (and Paging) using iterator filters that can be optimized by Store implemetations. |
Item10490 |
Document how to use Foswiki::Func::saveTopic to create a new topic. |
Item10520 |
QuerySearch for \"SomeText\" ONLY refers to a FieldName, and no longer also a FormName. |
Item10678 |
Item10684 |
Allow default skin to also have famfamfam topic actions in top bar. |
Item10686 |
Report the registered restHandlers to command-line when rest called with a unknown handler. |
Item10741 |
Enhance GROUPINFO to handle Main.GroupName. |
Item10770 |
EditRowPlugin - Cannot update via double click cells with macros. |
Item10824 |
HEAD requests should return early. |
Item10830 |
Make SubscribePlugin a default extension. |
Item10939 |
Pluggable Access Control: Add AdminOnlyAccess and ReadOnlyAccess plugins. |
Item11093 |
Make attachment file size more meaningful. |
Item11094 |
Add sortable file size to attachment template tokens. |
Item11095 |
Add sortable date to attachment template tokens. |
Item11107 |
Add user name to attachment template tokens. |
Item11264 |
Create UpdatesPlugin, notify admin of available extension updates. |
Item11317 |
Enhance INCLUDE to increase/decrease header levels using "headingoffset" parameter. |
Item11389 |
Change named anchor links to target IDs. |
Item11400 |
Add default param values to TMPL:DEF. |
Item11411 |
Implement proposal: HTML attributes should use single quotes. |
Item11448 |
Implement {GuestCanComment} feature. |
Item11507 |
Internationalisation of the mailnotify script. |
Item11515 |
Return HTTP 401 + login page instead of redirect when authentication is required. |
Item11527 |
Expand %MACROs in WEBFORMS pref when displayed in the add/change form UI. |
Item11549 |
Rewrite of page cache, improved performance, better page dependency capture. |
Item11579 |
Implement an AdminToggle button to simplify joining and leaving the AdminGroup. |
Item11637 |
Add 119 geosilk icons to foswiki. |
Item11648 |
Add NatEditPlugin to core. |
Item11681 |
Add a validation handler for registration. |
Item11761 |
Add HomePagePlugin to core. |
Item11772 |
Replace edit table plugin with the more modern edit row plugin. |
Item11783 |
Enhance INCLUDE to support a list of topics to try to include. |
Item11834 |
Hide the details in the extension installation report. |
Item11878 |
require perl 5.8.8 for 2.0. |
Item11879 |
Development.MeasureAndReportScriptTiming. |
Item11883 |
Add align param to TOC. |
Item11901 |
Implement CancelButtonsShouldUseViewScript. |
Item11902 |
Implement Development.LinksInPreview. |
Item11968 |
Add topic=" " parameter to META macro. Specify where to obtain the data. |
Item11969 |
Add default value for parameters passed to STARTSECTION macro. |
Item11971 |
Add defaultweb= Param To All Cgi Scripts. |
Item11980 |
Add topic: param to jqLoader. |
Item11994 |
Upgrade query-ui. |
Item12035 |
Add new data type to configure: BOOLGROUP for a group of checkboxes. |
Item12041 |
Implement admin approval of registrations. |
Item12057 |
Allow TemplateLogin with user's email address (in addition to the username). |
Item12060 |
INCLUDE macros "warn" attribute does not accept dollar-escapes. |
Item12104 |
Redesign the Foswiki Logger API. More compatible with Log4J / Log4Perl conventions. |
Item12120 |
Deprecate Apache Htpasswd Module as its unloved and only partially implemented. |
Item12130 |
Add support for encrypted private key files in S/MIME. |
Item12133 |
Implement configuration setting to force email addresses to be stored in User topic. |
Item12135 |
New expert configuration setting, override "Cache-Control: max-age" for configured webs. |
Item12175 |
Implement %SET% macro - Setting And Getting Variables Using Macros. |
Item12169 |
Improve CSS for tab buttons without tab pane to prevent box inside box. |
Item12170 |
Remove tab pane box around search form. |
Item12172 |
Add row display options to attachtables template. |
Item12176 |
Improve editing lists. |
Item12180 |
Implementation for AJAXOnDemandCheckersForConfigure. |
Item12185 |
Implement SupportShorterACRONYMS. |
Item12189 |
Implement ControlFoswikiTemporaryFileLocations. |
Item12192 |
PatternSkin fixes and enhancements for Foswiki 2.0. |
Item12207 |
Implement OneStepUserDeletion. |
Item12209 |
Rename DefaultUserRegistration js.js to validate.js . |
Item12210 |
Add generic TYPE based checkers to configure field definitions. |
Item12229 |
Improve transliteration of free-form input to non-unicode chars wiki words. |
Item12237 |
Implement EscapeTMLInEditor. |
Item12282 |
Enhancements to .spec file syntax. |
Item12299 |
Don't rewrite the parameter list of named sections in template topics. |
Item12306 |
Enhance Foswiki::Store::saveAttachment to support attachment attributes. |
Item12362 |
parseTime can't handle seconds in a Foswiki format time. |
Item12392 |
Add a "preload" plugin handler to the Foswiki plugin API. |
Item12494 |
Break out RCS stores into a stand-alone contrib; include it in the release by default. |
Item12515 |
Create a new ConfigurePlugin. |
Item12664 |
Rework jquery.natedit. |
Item12666 |
Add font-awesome to JQueryPlugin. |
Item12686 |
Add tmpl REST handler to load jquery.tmpl asyonchronously. |
Item12692 |
Upgrade module with upstream version. |
Item12693 |
Rewrite jquery.debug module to make use of modern browsers' console.log properly. |
Item12694 |
Default to fast animation speed. |
Item12699 |
Removing a user should also remove any cgisess files to kill current sessions. |
Item12711 |
Configure could report if dependencies are part of Perl core. |
Item12717 |
Inconsistencies in template expansion of mailnotify. |
Item12739 |
Add recent TWiki SpreadSheetPlugin features to Foswiki, and resolve "undefined" errors. |
Item12759 |
Modernize code and icon set. |
Item12777 |
Syntax error in sqlite adapter of page cache. |
Item12787 |
Default to empty string instead of 0 if rating is undecoded. |
Item12810 |
JQuery needs to fallback to an available version if misconfigured. |
Item12811 |
Nicer stars for rating. |
Item12819 |
Pass Interwiki links through expandCommonVariables. |
Item12837 |
Implement Development.AddENDINCLUDEandSTOPSECTION. |
Item12849 |
Implement Development.RemoveDeprecatedEmptyDENYRule. |
Item12869 |
Restructure SpreadSheetPlugin. |
Item12878 |
Improvements to foswiki jquery-ui theme. |
Item12881 |
Add a preference to set the default number of revisions to show in topic history. |
Item12900 |
Improve session management, optional sessions for guests. |
Item12906 |
jquery.wikiword: don't add prefix / suffix if already present in source. |
Item12933 |
Make filtered characters configurable in JQueryWikiWord. |
Item12936 |
Tighten up default restrictions on WikiGuest a bit further. |
Item13018 |
Switching tabs is slow. |
Item13034 |
JsonRpcContrib is a default extension in 2.0. |
Item13045 |
Implement Development.InterwikiPluginMacroExpansionCustomURLs. |
Item13051 |
Cannot do anything useful with a $pattern that contains a quote ("). |
Item13052 |
ModPerlEngineContrib: APREQ2_ReadLimit directive (needed for Downloads >64M) missing in documentation. |
Item13060 |
"Toggle All" button for BulkResetPassword. |
Item13106 |
Replace blockquote with div unless it is for a block of quoted text. |
Item13109 |
Add mousewheel and sprintf. |
Item13123 |
More topic actions should use Ajax to pick parent topic. |
Item13132 |
Tabpane depends on easing for animated tab switching. |
Item13138 |
Deprecate jquery.rating in favor of jquery.stars. |
Item13194 |
Add makefile system to ease common js tasks. |
Item13205 |
Update to jquery-1.11.2 / jquery-2.1.3. |
Item13238 |
content-type should be application/json . |
Item13241 |
Improve the email Auto-configure flow and operation. |
Item13251 |
Toolbar not shown when tinymce has been loaded ... but not used. |
Item13268 |
Add styles for the horizontal navigation menu. |
Item13281 |
Add print support to the SlideShowPlugin. |
Item13298 |
jquery.wikiword not backwards compatible. |
Item13323 |
Now that Taint mode removed, switch from /usr/bin/perl to /usr/bin/env perl . |
Item13343 |
Add CLI access to the PERLDEPENDENCYREPORT macro. |
Item13389 |
Datepicker initializaiton problem; datepicker z-index problem; pushy tooltips not hidden when typing into an input field. |
Item13392 |
Add Extensions to the PERLDEPENDENCYREPORT. |
Item13462 |
Guess the {Plugins}{...extension...}{Module} setting if missing. |
Item13480 |
Remove setting for HIDE_NON_WIKI_WORD_WARNINGs. |
Foswiki Release 2.0.1 Details
Item13450 |
SubscribePlugin with famfamfam skin breaks styling when button switches state. |
Item13508 |
Cache passwords should also enable check timestamps by default, or at least warn if not enabled. |
Item13510 |
Configure is incorrectly applying $FALSE and $TRUE defaults from Config.spec files. |
Item13512 |
PreferencesPlugin errors when processing SitePreferences. Issue in Foswiki::Render. |
Item13513 |
Configure extension installer overlays extension settings with defaults when upgrading an extension. |
Item13516 | has fails to copy some webs, crashes copyng attachment revisions. Unusable. |
Item13518 |
Extra scrollbar in NatEditPlugin + PatternSkin. |
Item13520 |
FORMFIELD macro fails to return text in a format that can be rendered. Workaround available. |
Item13521 |
Wrong encoding in compressed responses. |
Item13524 |
Updates plugin reports zero extension(s) need updating. |
Item13538 |
Setting DISABLEDPLUGINS causes very noisy error log. |
Item13539 |
Review css deprecations documented as part of defunct BaseSkin effort. |
Item13541 |
eachAttachment returns directory names with PlainFileStore, breaks . |
Item13542 |
Revert the RcsStore hack that extends eachAttachment API to return directory names. |
Item13547 |
Copy failed from system to Sandbox. |
Item13549 |
Filter backslash from Topic and Attachment names. |
Item13551 |
Configure "Review installed extensions" doesn't flag all available updates. |
Item13555 |
UpdatesPlugin comparing RELEASE, should use VERSION. |
Item13558 |
Error is style_src.css file. |
Item13563 |
Crashes in Search, and for cUID mapped from uft8 WikiName. |
Item13565 |
Wide char in print error registering user with utf8 topic name and "mailprogram" email. |
Item13567 |
TML in dirty areas not rendered correctly. |
Item13568 |
tools/ removes topic data prior to saving new revision; breaks attachments and history. |
Item13569 |
JQueryLoader runtime error. |
Item13575 |
WysiwygPlugin converts entities to utf-8, then cannot save topic on iso-8859-1 store. |
Item13580 |
Missing image in natedit help text. |
Item13584 |
Natedit's Insert attachment - Ajax broken. |
Item13599 |
Configure fails to install topics from CLI package installer. |
Item13502 |
CommentPlugin could expand variables on returned results when in AJAX mode. |
Item13526 |
TipsContrib needs optimizations. |
Item13545 | should omit System web by default. |
Foswiki Release 2.0.2 Details
Item12179 |
JQueryPlugin::FOSWIKI: not properly escaping NAMEFILTER preference. |
Item13560 |
configure does not set initial values when extensions are installed with an external package manager. |
Item13561 |
PERL type configuation settings lose their formatting when LocalSite.cfg is saved. |
Item12569 |
Sorting of umlauts in tables is incorrect. (Partial fix to EditRowPlugin). |
Item13570 |
EditRowPlugin does not work on page with TABLE macro. |
Item13576 |
Submitting a comment in COMMENT tag does not clear the comment field. |
Item13583 |
Login form populated with incorrect path info. |
Item13593 |
Foswiki 2.0 is 350% slower doing query SEARCH compared to 1.1.9. |
Item13598 |
Error renaming a symlinked web using PlainFile Store. |
Item13600 |
Wrong parent topic set when WikiUsers topic is initially created. |
Item13601 |
Page cache pollution by illegal path components. |
Item13602 |
JQuery::UI recursive loop opening tabs after a login redirect back to the page. |
Item13603 |
When running check_current_value from tools/configure -check , no checker output is reported. |
Item13608 |
Regression - jquery.wikiword does not transliterate unicode chars to ASCII. |
Item13609 | fails on perl 5.10.1 - Encode constants are not exported. |
Item13610 |
The CLI tools/configure is unable to run checker validation routines. |
Item13617 |
Error in default topictitle implementation. |
Item13619 |
References to non-default RevCommentPlugin removed from the templates. |
Item13625 |
AutoViewTemplatePlugin: reports Invalid template name ( Warning: Can't find named section viewtemplate in topic...) when used in "section" mode and no section exists. |
Item13629 |
Hide "Title" field in natedit when unused. |
Item13631 |
Configure reports false permission errors on some advanced file systems. Solution: use filetest 'access'; |
Item13635 |
Incorrect warning that Updates exist for up-to-date extensions. |
Item13654 |
Foswiki::Func::saveFile was changed in Foswiki 2.0 to use utf-8 encoding. |
Item13662 |
EditRowPlugin does not leave at least one space in an empty cell. |
Item13667 |
Templates with leading comments disturb jquery-ui. |
Item13669 |
Macros topic is no longer a good reference for a quick lookup of macro syntax. |
Item13672 |
EditRowPlugin not working on mod_perl systems. |
Item13676 |
Add jquery-2.1.4 and 1.11.3 to cure a Safari bug. |
Item13682 |
Implemented API doc update per Development.DocumentAlreadySupportedFuncQueryOptions. |
Item13685 |
SlideShowPlugin no longer allows scrolling down when the page is a little longer than the display. |
Item13686 |
New topics get AdminToolsCategory as parent. |
Item13688 |
TablePlugin injected css is overwritten by the default style sheets disabling any table attributes. |
Item13692 |
EditRowPlugin puts the edit button the wrong place when EDITTABLE comes before TABLE. |
Item13693 |
EditRowPlugin deletes macros from text area fields. |
Item13696 |
Some attachments can be unreachable with non-UTF8 store encoding. |
Item13697 |
With iso-8859-1 store, it's possible to create unreachable topics and attachments. |
Item13698 |
Unable to move attachments if target topic is not a WikiWord. |
Item13707 |
PatternSkin themes are not working. |
Item13710 |
JQueryPlugin (6.13) version of jquery.foswiki.js fails in 1.1.9 installation. BuildContrib corrupts compressed javascript. |
Item13711 |
EditRowPlugin makes TablePlugin apply its formatting to the wrong column. |
Item13714 |
EditRowPlugin adding and deleting rows fails in TestCases/TestCaseEditTableJavaScript. |
Item13715 |
EditRowPlugin does not always handle the EDITTABLE macro correctly case 2. |
Item13717 |
EditRowPlugin creates massive copies of macros when you edit tables. |
Item13720 |
EditRowPlugin make the headline sort mark up the wrong column as the sorted. |
Item13721 |
Return EditTablePlugin to the 2.0.2 MANIFEST. |
Item13725 |
SmiliesPlugin can be made a little easier to upgrade with simple css change. |
Item13726 |
SmiliesPlugin icon files have all changed file name and that causes broken links for legacy sites. |
Item13728 |
Rename fails across symlinked directories in RCS Store. |
Item13730 |
EditTablePlugin uses unescaped braces and calls CGI::param in list context. |
Item13731 |
WebLeftBarLogin breaks TML syntax of first line of included personal web left bar. |
Item13738 |
Disallow expand macros in the Search-box. |
Item13739 |
LoginName is not validated and presents XSS path. |
Item13741 |
URLPARAM macro needs safe+quote encoding option. |
Item13743 |
Configure expects any MANIFEST entry in a dir called "data" as a .txt file, |
Item13744 |
Document that EmptyPlugin is documentation only, and cannot be enabled. |
Item13745 |
Set+ Unset+ save script arguments are unusable from the CLI engine. |
Item13749 |
Perl's "stat()" will not work with with array arg and other Perl 5.23 compatibilty issues. |
Item13757 |
Move SHORTDESCRIPTION into PackageForm. |
Item13764 |
CommentPlugin should entity encode comments from guest users. |
Item13765 |
EditRowPlugin TestCaseEditTableMacrosInSettings removes content of footer and label type cells. |
Item13767 |
EditRowPlugin does not completely turn off sorting by clicking header when TABLE has sort="off". |
Item13769 |
EditRowPlugin sorting only works the first time you click a header and will not reverse sort when clicking same again |
Item13770 |
EditRowPlugin treats bold text in footer row as something related to sort but without function. |
Item13771 |
EditRowPlugin has hardcoded its Macro in |
Item13772 |
Oops message for edit templatetopic incorectly processing parameters. |
Item13674 |
Separate downgrade maps in jquery.wikiword. |
Item13675 |
Add min-height and reload-after feature to jquery.loader. |
Item13695 |
TABLE does not support css unit sizes. (em, cm, in, pt, ...). |
Item13723 |
Add "next slide" navigation with spacebar to SlideShowPlugin. |
Item13758 |
Align icons in left bar. |
Foswiki Release 2.0.3 Details
Item2212 |
System.QuerySearch documentation links to missing topic. |
Item13519 |
Foswiki should clearly report missing dependencies. Don't crash with 500 Internal Server Error. |
Item13781 |
Dependencies of default extensions are out of date. |
Item13796 |
Topics that process URLPARAM input with CALC / CALCULATE macros can be used to inject script tags. |
Item13807 |
UI::Preview doesn't pass $topicObject to afterEditHandler. |
Item13811 |
SpreadSheetPlugin CALCULATE macro leaks information on fcgi / mod_perl sites. |
Item13814 |
raw=on&cover=print doesn't use a monospace font. |
Item13816 |
Configure doesn't work on IE9, IE does not support console.log or console.debug. |
Item13817 |
EditRowPlugin performance issues with tables > 100 rows. |
Item13830 |
Attachments with special characters (umlauts) in Foswiki 2.0.2 with mod_perl, reported as missing or empty file. |
Item13832 |
Don't allow non-alphas as the effect name in jqLoader. |
Item13833 |
Don't allow internal render markers to be passed in parameters, or rendered in topic text. |
Item13834 |
EditRowPlugin cannot edit cells that contain Umlauts and other non-ASCII characters. |
Item13837 |
Foswiki::Func::getScriptUrl() generates broken URL if any parameters contain embedded # characters. |
Item13838 |
Need to use filetest access when testing for files not writable. |
Item13839 |
UserMapping: validateRegistrationField is too strict on usernames - unable to add users containing underscore. |
Item13852 | CommentPlugin should warn about COMMENT permissions in configure.
Item13820 |
The putBackBlocks and _putBackProtected routines are extremely inefficient. |
Related Topic: ReleaseHistory