Foswiki is distributed under the GNU General Public License, see FAQDownloadSources. GPL is one of the free software licenses that protects the copyright holder, ...
Both users and groups can be hidden from common view and made visible only to the admin or to selected users and groups. You do this the same way as you access co...
Under normal circumstances, there should be no need to rebuild your . topic. Sometimes, the . topic maintained by .TopicUserMappingContrib may not reflect the tru...
That is often an indication that Foswiki can't find the egrep and fgrep commands on your system. Check the {Store}{EgrepCmd} and {Store}{FgrepCmd} settings in con...
Foswiki allows multiple simultaneous edits of the same topic, and then merges the different changes automatically. You probably won't even notice this happening u...
Some questions to answer: * Perhaps the plugin is installed, but did you remember to enable it in configure? * Did the installer mention any missing depende...
%{ FAQ topic templates This skin template is used to view FAQ questions and answers. It overrides the content portion of the default view template, and removes t...
A set of pages of information that are open and free for anyone to edit as they wish. They are stored in a server and managed using some software. The system crea...
FamFamFamContrib Usage The icons are attached to the FamFamFamFlagIcons FamFamFamMiniIcons FamFamFamMintIcons FamFamFamSilkIcons FamFamFamSilkCompanion1Icons...
FamFamFamFlagIcons 'Flags' are 247 icons in GIF and PNG formats representing most countries in the world as small pixel icons. These flag icons are available ...
FamFamFamFoswikiExtras So far built by Foswiki:Main.SvenDowideit based on the Silk ones above, except for 1 the XML icon which comes from
FamFamFamMiniIcons "Mini" is a set of 144 GIF icons available for free use for any purpose. Source These Icons come from
FamFamFamMintIcons "Mint" icons are a small set of tiny PNG web icons, loosely based on Shaun Inman's Mint statistics software. Released on the same day as the p...
FamFamFamSilkCompanion1Icons Mark James created a great set of 1,022 silky smooth 16x16 true colour icons in PNG format, aptly named Silk Icons. Damien Guard's se...
FamFamFamSilkCompanion2Icons Mark James created a great set of 1,022 silky smooth 16x16 true colour icons in PNG format, aptly named Silk Icons. GeoSilk icon set...
FamFamFamSilkGeoSilkIcons Mark James created a great set of 1,022 silky smooth 16x16 true colour icons in PNG format, aptly named Silk Icons. GeoSilk icon set by...
FamFamFamSilkIcons Silk is a smooth, free icon set, containing over 700 16 by 16 pixel icons in strokably soft PNG format. Containing a large variety of icons, y...
FastCGI Engine Contrib Permits Foswiki to be executed with FastCGI Overview FastCGI is a technology to deliver dynamic web content. It differs from CGI cause it ...
File Attachments Each topic can have one or more files of any type attached to it by using the Attach screen to upload (or download) files from your local PC. Att...
Each FileAttachment in a Topic can have additional attributes. At present only the H (hidden) attribute is supported. If this attribute is set then the attachme...
FilterPlugin Description This plugin allows to substitute and extract information from content by using regular expressions. There are three different types of n...
FlexFormPlugin Description This plugin leverages the internal capabilities to render an interface for .DataForms and adds insights to the acutal DataForm defin...
FlexWebListExamples These are some simple examples to show how to use the basic features of the FlexWebListPlugin. Please create some subwebs in the Sandbox web ...
FlexWebListPlugin Description This is a replacement for Foswiki's standard WEBLIST variable. It is extended to improve the display of hierarchical web structures...
FlexWebListTree The fragment below can be used in a sidebar navigation to establish a folder like subweb navigation. This uses the jqTreeview widget of the Foswik...
Formatting Tokens Foswiki defines some standard special tokens that can be used to replace characters in some parameters notably those to FormattedSearch and If...
Formatted Search Customize the display of search results. The default output format of a %SEARCH{...}% is a table consisting of topic names and topic summaries. U...
Foswiki Server Information This topic lists the detailed server execution environment. As this is sensitive information, it is only available to users with acces...
Frequently Asked Questions This is a real FAQ, and also a demo of an easily implemented knowledge base solution. You may view the code for the topic creator or ra...
Glossary of Terms Glossary of Foswiki specific terminology. $ Attachment: Any type of file that is uploaded via browser and attached to a topic, where it can b...
Go Box The box at the top or sidebar of each page, also called Jump box. Enter a topic name to quickly jump to the topic, for example: * WebNotify to jump to ...
Collaboration Tips A short list of hints and recommendations that are considered basic knowledge when starting to edit existing topics. #SignAndDate * If a dis...
Hierarchical Navigation Navigation block that displays the current topic, its parent and children (if any). This is intended to be included in other topics, for e...
History Plugin . The output can arbitrarily be formatted. An example for a Wikipedia like history is included. When using PatternSkin enabling the HistoryPlugin c...
HomePagePlugin Usage This plugin makes the Default frontpage configurable 1 any time a user goes to they will be shown the topic configured by the Foswiki...
IconService The IconService functions as a central definition and delivery method for all sorts of icons: image icons as well as font icons. Different kinds of i...
IF statements The %IF% macro gives you the ability to test for macro values, URL parameters, access permissions, topic existence and more. Syntax In the example ...
ImageGalleryPlugin Description This plugin helps you in viewing pictures that are attached to a topic in a nice thumbnail gallery. Clicking on a thumbnail zooms...
ImagePlugin Use this plugin to control the display and alignment of images using an easy syntax and support for server side resizing and thumbnailing. There are a...
Include Topics and Web Pages Using %INCLUDE{...}% Macro Embed topics, or subsections of topics, or other web pages. The %INCLUDE{...}% macro embeds the content of...
Installation Guide This guide describes the steps for installing Foswiki using Apache as the web server, on Linux. This guide describes the specific steps for ins...
Installation Guide Part 2 Post Installation Configuration and Tuning Once you have Foswiki installed and running, you can perform one or more of the following s...
Installed Plugins This site is running Foswiki version * * "}%, Release , Foswiki API version * Here is a list of the plugins currently installed and enabled ...
Instant Site Enhancements These quick enhancements are aimed at improving and customising your Foswiki as quickly as possible. New site administrators are encoura...
Inter Wiki Link Rules (or Links to other Sites) This topic lists all aliases needed to map inter wiki links to external wikis/sites. Whenever you write ExternalSi...
Interwiki Plugin The InterwikiPlugin links ExternalSite:Page text to external sites based on aliases defined in the .InterWikis topic. This plugin is inspired by ...