PublishedAPI for packages intended to be used by Plugin and Contrib authors, or
browse all packages.
See also
Developing plugins,
Developer's Bible,
Technical Overview
internal package
This module implements all the search functionality.
new ($session)
Constructor for the singleton Search engine object.
Break circular references.
Note to developers; please undef
all fields in the object explicitly,
whether they are references or not. That way this method is "golden
documentation" of the live fields in the object.
returns the metacache.
DEPRECATED: please use Foswiki::metaCache()
parseSearch($searchString, $params) → Foswiki::*::Node
parses the search string and builds the appropriate nodes (uses $param->{type} to work out which parser
searchWeb (...)
Search one or more webs according to the parameters.
is set, that means the caller wants results as
soon as they are ready. =_callback_ should be set to a reference
to a function which takes
as the first parameter and
remaining parameters the same as 'print'.
is set, the result is always undef. Otherwise the
result is a string containing the rendered search results.
The function will throw Error::Simple if it encounters any problems with the
syntax of the search string.
Note: If
is set,
will be ignored.
Note: For legacy, if
is defined, it will force type='regex'
it will be changed to
. This will be used for searching with scope="text" only, because scope="topic" will do a Perl search on topic names.
responsible for converting the TML to HTML yourself!
loadTemplates (...)
this code was extracted from searchWeb, and should probably be private.
the implementation of
enable evaluations of things like '$include(blah)' in format strings.
have a default set of replacements like $lt, $nop, $percnt, $dollar etc, and then
the hash of subs can take care of %MACRO{}% specific complex to evaluate replacements..
(that way we don't pre-evaluate and then subst)
- $text can be undefined.
- $searchOptions is an options hash to pass on to the summary parser
- $nonTomKeys is a hash of key -> sub($key,$item) where $item is not assumed to be a topic object.
- tomKeys is a hash of {'$key' => sub($key,$item,$params) } where $item is a tom object (initially a Foswiki::Meta, but I'd like to be more generic) and $params is whatever is in trailing ()
Parse the arguments to a $formfield specification and extract
the relevant formfield from the given meta data.
string containing name of form field
- replacement text for newlines within the form field, if not defined defaults to <br />
In addition to the name of a field
can be appended with a commas
followed by a string format (\d+)([,\s*]\.\.\.)?). This supports the formatted
search function $formfield and is used to shorten the returned string or a
hyphenated string.