
See PublishedAPI for packages intended to be used by Plugin and Contrib authors, or browse all packages.
See also Developing plugins, Developer's Bible, Technical Overview

On this page:

internal package Foswiki::Plugins::MetaDataPlugin

base class to hook into the foswiki core

initPlugin($topic, $web, $user) → $boolean

initialize the plugin, automatically called during the core initialization process


Foswiki::Plugins::VERSION >= 2.6

register all known meta data now that all plugins have been init'ed

getCore() → $core

returns a singleton Foswiki::Plugins::MetaDataPlugin::Core object for this plugin; a new core is allocated during each session request; once a core has been created it is destroyed during finishPlugin()

getImporter() → $importer

returns a singleton Foswiki::Plugins::MetaDataPlugin::Importer object for this plugin

getExporter() → $exporter

returns a singleton Foswiki::Plugins::MetaDataPlugin::Exporter object for this plugin


finish the plugin and the core if it has been used, automatically called during the core initialization process


register a handler to be called when a metedata record is deleted


register a handler to be called when a metedata record is deleted

beforeSaveHandler ()

called during the core's save procedure on anything


register a new meta data record type

ObjectMethod topicName2MetaData($topic)

convert a web.topic pointing to a DataForm definition to a pair (key, alias) used to register metadata types based on this DataForm

ObjectMethod getMetaDataDefinition($web, $topic) → $def

Topic revision: r1 - 18 Dec 2024, UnknownUser - This page was cached on 08 Mar 2025 - 17:44.