
See PublishedAPI for packages intended to be used by Plugin and Contrib authors, or browse all packages.
See also Developing plugins, Developer's Bible, Technical Overview

Parent package: Foswiki::Plugins::JQueryPlugin
Child packages:

    internal package Foswiki::Plugins::JQueryPlugin::CombineService

    combines the js and css files of a set of jQuery modules into a single js and css file

    ObjectMethod finish()

    called when destroying this instance

    ObjectMethod run() → ($cssUrl, $jsUrl, $i18nUrl, $ids)

    runs the actual file compression of all assets and returns the urls of the results. the compressed files have been added to the head and script zones of the page.

    ObjectMethod clearCache()

    clears all css, js and gz files from the cache

    ObjectMethod handleRestCombine($session, $subject, $verb, $response)

    testing handler for the combine service

    ObjectMethod getFiles($modules, $seen) → ( $cssFiles, $jsFiles, $i18nFiles, $ids)

    gathers all files that can be combined. css, js and i18n files are gathered individually. The $i18nFiles is an array containing entries of the form

    { namespace => "module name", file => $filePath }

    So the combined i18n file can properly attribute all translation strings to their namespace.

    ObjectMethod combineCssFiles($files) → $urlPath

    combines all css files into one and creates a .css and a .css.gz file in the cache.

    ObjectMethod readCss($fileName) → $data

    reads and parses the css files. all contained url() and import() expressions will be rewritten to fix their baseUrl according to the location of the red file

    ObjectMethod combineJsFiles($files) → $urlPath

    combines all js files into one and creates a .js and .js.gz file in the cache

    ObjectMethod combineI18nFiles($entries) → $url

    combines all i18n file entries and creates a combined i18n file

    StaticMethod _md5($files) → $m5String

    creates am md5 for all filenames in the list

    StaticMethod _url2FileName($url) → $fileName

    convers an url to a public asset to a fileName as stored on the server

    StaticMethod _fileName2Url($fileName) → $url

    returns the url to a public asset

    StaticMethod _rewriteUrl($url, $baseUrl) → $newUrl

    rewrites relative urls using a new base

    StaticMethod _writeDebug($msg)

    prints a debug message to stderr. use TRACE constant to activate debug output

    StaticMethod _expandCommonVariables()

    lightweight expansion of some common variables, i.e. not using Foswiki::Func::expandCommonVariables()= for performance reasons

    Topic revision: r1 - 18 Dec 2024, UnknownUser - This page was cached on 14 Mar 2025 - 21:38.